10 Weird And Awesome Facts About Our Bones

Lists, Nature, Weird

Unless we have an unfortunate accident that sees a bone sticking out of our body, we generally will never see the unique feature of our own skeleton. Bones are formed with calcium and collagen and it starts after contraception, which is around two weeks after pregnancy begins. Weirdly enough, bones don’t stop developing until roughly 20 or 30 years into a human life. We even have more bones when we’re born than we do later in life. Find out the reason and many other interesting facts about our bones.

Male And Female Bones

There’s a lot of similarity in male and female skeletons. The only real difference is the pelvic area, which naturally is due to preparation of women giving birth.

Bones Can Become Better After Healing

Cracked and broken bones can heal themselves as long as they’re in the right place. Most of the time, the regenerated bone will be stronger than the last.

You Lose Around 100 Bones

We start off with approximately 300 bones in our body, but that number gets to 206 by the age of 30 because many bones will either fuse or break down.

Thigh Bone Is Longest

Similar to most animals, a human thigh bone is the biggest in the skeleton.

Middle Ear Bone Is Shortest

Many anticipate parts of our nose or the pinkie on our foot being the smallest bone in our body. Actually, that bone can be found in the middle part of our ears.

Hands And Feet Contain Half Our Bones

Once the human body gets to 206 bones, half of those are all found in the extremities of our hands and feet.

Enamel Is Stronger Than Bones

Most people assume that bones are the strongest part of the body, but that’s not true. Our tooth enamel is the strongest, which protects our teeth and gives us the white smile.

Bones Lose Density After 30

Exercise becomes vital to keep our body healthy after the age of 30. That’s because bones still gain density until that approximate age.

Funny Bone Doesn’t Exist

No, we can’t really tickle our funny bones. It’s in reference to the nerve in your elbow that if struck can make your entire arm have a numb and tingling sensation.

We Don’t Move Bones

Weirdly enough, we can’t actually move any of our bones by itself. The process of our brain, the nervous system, and the muscles in our body are what we can control.