Two Men Arrested After Attempting To Smuggle Ecstasy In Shampoo Bottles

Two Men Arrested After Attempting To Smuggle Ecstasy In Shampoo Bottles

Cheshire Police are reporting they have arrested two men at Creamfields festival after they attempted to bring in around 100 ecstasy tablets using emptied shampoo bottles. Their method actually seemed a bit ingenious, but they ended up getting caught, so we have to question how smart it was overall.

The two men decided to stuff the pills into the shampoo bottles without emptying the previous contents completely. That means a lot of the pills were covered with white shampoo. We can bet there were a lot of angry customers who purchased the drugs and discovered the taste was a little bit off, unfortunately. Smuggling drugs is never a good idea, whether your plan is ingenious or rather dumb, like these guys.