Woman Mistakenly Drops Off $200,000 Computer At Recycling Plant

Woman Mistakenly Drops Off $200,000 Computer At Recycling Plant

Everyone has probably thrown away something that they didn’t mean to at some point in their lives. Whether it was an important letter or a toy that was put in the rubbish, losing things in a bin is something that is usually pretty easy to overcome.

This isn’t the case for one women from San Francisco. The 60 to 70-year old woman dropped off a collection of old computer equipment after her husband had died to a recycling facility. The recycling plant, called Clean Bay Area, later noticed that one of the pieces was in fact a rare Apple I computer, a device that had been hand-built by Steve Wozniak in 1976.

Realizing that the computer was incredibly valuable, Clean Bay Area then proceeded to try to find a buyer for it. They eventually sold it to a private collector for $200,000 and are now looking for the women so she can claim half of the cash from the sale. However, because she left no details, the company has now launched an online campaign to track her down as workers will be able to recognize her and hand over the money.