Study Reveals Marijuana Helps Kill Parasites

Study Reveals Marijuana Helps Kill Parasites

The pygmies from Africa are known to smoke a lot of marijuana, and a new study claims there might be a big benefit to it all. Men who participated in the study who smoked the most marijuana were less likely to be infected with parasitic worms. The researchers behind the study believe this finding will help explain why humans tend to have a taste for drugs. The same team previously discovered that people from the Aka tribe who smoked more tobacco had fewer parasites.

For the study, Dr. Edward Hagen, an anthropologist at Washington State University in Vancouver, surveyed more than 370 people living in the Central African Republic. More than 70 percent of the men who participated in the study smoked marijuana extensively. Previous studies showed that pot does kill worms in petri dishes, but the researcher stated that further research still needs to be completed to determine whether it’s actually the marijuana killing the worms in human bodies. This will, however, probably serve as a great argument for those who smoke marijuana on a regular basis.