Men Shockingly Throw A Lit Firecracker To A Hungry Monkey

Men Shockingly Throw A Lit Firecracker To A Hungry Monkey

Humanity has some sickening individuals floating around – the type of person who is willing to hurt an innocent monkey in an attempt to capture a few laughs on camera. While feeding a hungry monkey, a group decided to toss the starving animal a lit firecracker, blowing off a finger and part of its hand in the process. The group decided to film the entire occurrence, laughing the entire way.

While visiting an animal park in Malaysia, a macaque monkey was eating food that people were throwing to it. He then waiting for more as he finished off a snack the people had tossed, when someone decided to throw over a similar bag of food, however this bag contained a lit firecracker.

Eager for some more food, the monkey grabbed it, but it exploded just seconds later. Sadly, the little guy was injured, losing one of its fingers on his left hand. Photos and even a video of the event were taken, showing the traumatized monkey cradling the wound. He was offered emergency veterinary treatment almost immediately.

Elisa Allen, Associate Director of PETA UK, said: “It is detestable that anyone would derive enjoyment from tormenting an animal who asked only for a morsel of food.” We truly hope karma plays a role in punishing the people who hurt this poor creature.