Drunk Man In Boxers Enters Stranger’s Home And Eats Their Food

Drunk Man In Boxers Enters Stranger’s Home And Eats Their Food

A drunk man in Indiana was arrested over the weekend after he proceeded to enter a stranger’s house wearing only his boxers and helped himself to their potato chips. Andrew Wozniak, 19, was later picked up while walking on a neighboring street in his underwear, but he claimed he was not drinking.

A Greenwood resident called police early Sunday morning to report that an incoherent Wozniak was “standing in his living room, in nothing but his underwear, eating his chips.”

Although Wozniak claimed he was not drinking, a breathalyzer was done and he had a blood alcohol level of .106. The legal limit in Indiana is .08, so he was clearly intoxicated. Wozniak was taken to a local hospital for assessment and he became belligerent while there. Authorities said he was swearing at the doctors and even told the officers, “I’m going to snap both of you at the same time.”

Wozniak was eventually taken to the jail and charged with illegal consumption, residential entry, disorderly conduct and intimidation.