Jimmy Fallon Duels Jason Statham With Blackjack And Big Hands


Given his track record in movies, one would think that messing with Jason Statham is as good an idea as trying to tickle an angry tiger. To be fair, he’s not an action hero every second of the day, but he’s got power and presence that most wouldn’t try to fight — except for comedian Jimmy Fallon, who thought it would be cool to try and slap Statham with a giant prosthetic hand.

It’s a high-stakes showdown as the two men play a game of blackjack — or “Slapjack”, in this case — with massive hands, all to decide who wins the crowd’s favor and who gets walloped. Even in the midst of such a dangerous battle, Fallon and Statham alike manage to toss out plenty of funny lines; anyone who wants to see what the latter is like when the intensity is dialed down is in for a treat, regardless of the massive slaps dished out. The outcome is too good to spoil, but those who fear for Fallon’s safety can rest easy knowing that it’s a bloodless affair.