​Joseph Gordon-Levitt Is Reviving Fraggle Rock

​Joseph Gordon-Levitt Is Reviving Fraggle Rock

Dance your cares away and save those worries for another day because Joseph Gordon-Levitt is going to produce and star in a new “Fraggle Rock” movie. The project has been in the works for nearly a decade, with numerous setbacks stalling its production, but now it seems that we’re finally going to see the movie adaptation of this beloved children’s series come to theaters.

Created by puppet mastermind Jim Henson, “Fraggle Rock” first aired on HBO and ran for five seasons after it debuted in 1983. It’s about a group of adventurous and fun loving puppet creatures, called Fraggles, who live underground with their industrious neighbors, the Doozers. The Fraggles play, sing songs, and tackle deep societal issues in a way that everyone can appreciate. When Henson created this series, he wanted to appeal to all audiences and use his fantasy creatures as allegories to address serious social issues in an effort to help advance society. That’s why the addition of Joseph Gordon-Levitt to the project is so important. He seems to really get the vision that Henson had when he brought these precious characters to life. In a recent statement, Gordon-Levitt said:

“The first screen personas I ever loved were Henson creations, first on ‘Sesame Street,’ and then on ‘Fraggle Rock’. Jim Henson’s characters make you laugh and sing, but they’re also layered, surprising, and wise. From Oscar the Grouch, to Yoda, to the Fraggles. I’ve never stopped loving his work, even as a young frisky man, and on into adulthood. Collaborating with Lisa Henson makes me confident we can do something that Jim would have loved. I’m grateful and excited to be working with New Regency on this project.”

With Lisa Henson and The Henson Co. also working on the film, hopes are high that this reboot won’t completely butcher the original.