Unnerving Social Experiment Proves Kids Are Too Trusting


Joey Salads is a well known YouTube star who posts social experiments out in public. In his most recent video, Joey walks up to strangers at the park and asks whether or not their child would talk to a complete stranger who had a puppy or come running back to their mother. Most of the mothers claimed their child would instantly come back to her, but that didn’t appear to be the case.

Joey, with the puppy – “Donuts” – in hand, went up to the children as they played – with the permission of the mother to test this, of course. Unfortunately, every child he encountered was more than willing to talk with a complete stranger and even go for a walk somewhere new with him to see “more puppies.”

This is the type of situation every parent is terrified of. Joey has proved that children can be too trusting of someone, even after their parents have explained not to talk with strangers.