U2 Does A Free Gig At NCY Grand Central Station


Before popping in to see their pal Jimmy Fallon at The Tonight Show, Bono and his band U2 have been performing free undercover gigs all over New York City. Around 10 p.m. U2 headed to NYC Grand Central subway station to perform their hit “Angel of Harlem“. The band and Jimmy Fallon dressed as everyday street musicians and treated commuters to a sing-along. In the video clip, Bono looked healthy, seemingly fully recovered after undergoing surgery to correct injuries he suffered in a bike accident.

The U2 star told The New York Times how his injuries prevented him for playing guitar in full: “It feels like I have somebody else’s hand,” Bono confessed. “I can’t bend these [fingers], and this is like rigor mortis. But they say that nerves heal about a millimeter a week, so in about 13 months I should know if it’s coming back.” Following Bono’s accident, U2 had to cancel their week long residency at The Tonight Show and as Bono is now recovered, they are back to make good on their promise appearing as sole guests on the show with Fallon.