Chris Rock Pulled Over By Cops Three Times In Two Months, Takes Selfies Every Time

Chris Rock Pulled Over By Cops Three Times In Two Months, Takes Selfies Every Time

Chris Rock is a pretty recognizable face, especially if you follow the standup comedy circuit. Despite that fact, the comedian has apparently been stopped by police three times in the last seven weeks, and it doesn’t appear the officers were looking for autographs. Chris Rock seems to believe he’s continually getting pulled over because he’s black and has illustrated this belief in his usual sarcastic manner.

On Tuesday, the comedian posted a selfie to his Instagram account with the caption “Stopped by the cops again wish me luck“. Rock has made comments like this every time he’s been stopped over the last two months. Rock is drawing attention to a phenomenon that many African Americans point to as “driving while black.”


As CNN points out, the Bureau of Justice Statistics says that black men are 30 percent more likely to get pulled over by white cops than white men. Rock, along with other black actors and comedians have been more vocal about these kinds of injustices since a number of police officer involved shootings came and went without much of an investigation into the reason the officer killed their victim.