World Record Broken For Typing With Nose

World Record Broken For Typing With Nose

There are tons of strange and unique world records out there. From the largest Hello Kitty collection all the way to the largest rice mosaic, another wacky world record has finally been documented.

Mohammed Hussain previously managed to type 103 characters with his nose in just 47.44 seconds, setting the world record. Vinod Kumar Chaudhary from New Delhi must have thought that it was too slow of a time; he beat it by less than a second. The feat is verified when you type the phrase ‘Guinness world records have challenged me to type this sentence using my nose in the fastest time‘. They both did the exact same phrase to make it fair and it will be the same if anyone else tries to beat Vinod’s time.

Vinod described typing as his passion and it’s also involved in his profession. He wanted to try something different – which he did. He completed this record in December 2014 but it was only recently verified by the Guinness World Records.