The Almighty Thor Added To The New Ghostbusters Cast

The Almighty Thor Added To The New Ghostbusters Cast

Everyone loved the original Ghostbusters movie because of its hilarious cast of characters. Of course, people always recognize the hilarity of Bill Murray’s wise-cracking Dr. Venkman and Harold Ramis’ uber-nerd Dr. Spengler, but what about the feisty Ghostbusters receptionist Janine Melnitz? The character, played by the always funny Annie Potts, has always been a fan favorite and since the new Ghostbusters film was announced, everyone has been wondering who would be cast for that role

With the new Ghostbusters cast being all female, writers decided to take an opportunity with the role of the plucky receptionist to add some male energy into the fold — in the form of gloriously hunky Thor himself, Chris Hemsworth. While we don’t know if the Aussie actor will also be a mousy, bespectacled New Yorker, a lot of excitement is going around about seeing how this casting will up the comedic ante of the film.

Ghostbusters, directed by Paul Feig, is set to be released July of next year.