Subway Pitchman Suspected Of Possessing Kiddie Porn

Subway Pitchman Suspected Of Possessing Kiddie Porn

Jared Fogle was once only known as the man who lost a ton of weight by eating nothing but Subway sandwiches. Doing that made the man the company’s pitchman for quite some time. It seems entirely likely that job has come to an end. Fogle was the target of a police investigation that led to the FBI, Indiana State Police and U.S. Postal Service seizing a number of different documents they believe constituted proof that Jared did indeed possess child pornography.

USA Today says that it didn’t take long for the sandwich company to “suspend” the relationship with Jared. It seems more than likely that even if Fogle is entirely exonnerated he won’t be someone the company puts front and center anymore. Authorities weren’t willing to say what exactly they were looking for when they went inside his home and were walking back and forth between his home and a large evidence truck.