Man Hospitalized And Has A Five-Day Erection After Taking 35 Viagra Pills

Man Hospitalized And Has A Five-Day Erection After Taking 35 Viagra Pills

In an effort to bring about a few laughs from his mates while on a Bank Holiday drinking bender, one man took things a little too far. Plaster Daniel Medforth, of Withersnea, Yorkshire, went to the hospital after he decided to take 35 Viagra pills “for a laugh” while he was completely drunk. Speaking to The Sun, Daniel said: “I ended up feeling sick, dizzy and hallucinating — everything I saw was green. And I had a massive erection that would not go away.”

After suffering for quite some time, Daniel finally told his wife what happened. The 36-year-old man then spent the next two days in the hospital, completely erect during the entire process. “The paramedics were very professional but you could see they were trying not to laugh. The doctors and nurses told me off. Fortunately my wife has forgiven me and I realise I have been very, very lucky.”

Daniel had an erection for a total of five days. It was a painful week for the man.