German Public Overwhelm Police With Refugee Donations

German Public Overwhelm Police With Refugee Donations

Despite the fact that some people believe that their country shouldn’t be taking in any refugees, the German public have showed their compassion by overwhelming police with donations for newly arrived refugees. In fact, authorities say that they have received so many donations that they can’t process any more.

After sending out a Tweet asking for anyone to help some 600 refugees who had arrived at Munich train station, the police received support from locals offering toys for children, food, water and other essential supplies such as nappies and medication. Many residents even volunteered their time to help home those in need and get them to shelters.

Just a few hours later, police issued a statement on Twitter asking that no more donations be sent as they had received more than they could give out. “The existing donations for the refugees present and those still coming are sufficient,” said Police. “Thank you Munich.”

Many of the refugees have come from Syria where there is currently a major civil war happening. Others come from other Middle Eastern countries such as Iraq and are fleeing armed conflict have been displaced from their homes.

This has left Europe with an influx of refugees on an unprecedented scale, with many experts considering the disaster to be the worse humanitarian crisis since World War 2. Countries such as Italy and Greece are unable to cope with the hundreds of thousands of migrants and other countries in the EU have begun to take in far more of those seeking asylum than ever before.