Amazing Way To Cook Steak With Lava


The rise in cooking shows on television as well as the ability for people to share their experiences online has led to a large number of strange recipes and preparation methods being highlighted in recent times. One particular favorite for this type of treatment is steak, largely due to its popularity and versatility.

One group of students, though, have come up with an idea for cooking steak that comfortably trumps all the others that you will probably see in your lifetime. As part of the Syracuse University Lava Project, the men decided to see whether it was possible to cook the meat using molten lava in upstate New York.

It turns out that you can. They not only construct a makeshift grill to heat up the slabs of steak but even go so far as to actually put the meat directly onto the cooling liquid lava.

Unfortunately, we never get to find out how the steak tasted but the smell from the lava probably won’t have been too appetizing.