10 Of The Hottest Female Criminals Ever

Entertainment, Funny, Lists, Shocking

We’ve all heard the old saying, “if loving you is wrong, I don’t want to be right.” Take one look at the women on this list and you just might fall in love. The problem is that all of the women on this list have committed some sort of rather stupid crime and eventually landed them in jail for at least a little while. In the end, you have to decide whether or not these women being as hot as they are makes up for the fact you might need to keep one eye open when you sleep. On the other hand, if you were able to land one of these girls, sleep is likely the last thing you’ll be thinking about.

The Breakfast Appliance Hottie

This Florida hottie decided that her husband needed to become more familiar with some household appliances. We assume that’s why she hit him repeatedly with the family toaster. Not surprisingly, she was arrested shortly afterwards.

The Bleach Blonde Hottie

It’s not clear who this surfer girl is, and it’s not entirely clear why she was stopped in the first place. We do know she was arrested because she started throwing punches at the officer who stopped her. There are some things even good looks can’t get you out of.

The Meth Dealing Hottie

If we’ve learned anything about Meth, it’s that someone needs to lay claim to this girl before the drugs turn her into some sort of ghoul. The woman was arrested in Kentucky for manufacturing and dealing the drug. While she’s hot, she doesn’t beat out the Ecstasy dealer down the list.

The Duck Faced Hottie

We’ll forgive this criminally hot girl for giving the duck face in her mugshot. We probably wouldn’t be so quick to forgive her if we were her ex-boyfriend, who she apparently attacked, along with his new girlfriend at a movie theater.

The Drug Dealing Hottie

This young woman was apparently arrested for dealing Ecstasy. First, we’re shocked that’s still a thing and secondly, we’re willing to go on record as saying that she is likely the hottest drug dealer in history

The Golfing Hottie

It’s hard to believe someone was dumb enough to cheat on this girl. But someone did, as she was arrested for beating her husband and his mistress with a golf club. Apparently he found them in bed together and decided her husband shouldn’t be the only one laying the wood.

Teacher is Hot for Student Hottie

The only other super famous hot criminal on this list, Debra LaFave is the kind of teacher we would have had a major crush on. Apparently there is a better than average chance she would have had a crush on us too as she went to prison for having a sexual affair with one of her students.

The Makeup Shoplifting Hottie

This young woman is apparently a perennial shoplifter considering she landed herself in prison for taking some makeup. It was nice of her to get dolled up for her mugshot at least.

The Bling Ring Hottie

Alexis Neiers is easily the most famous criminal on this list. This girl was part of a group of bored, rich Beverly Hills teens who came up with a system to rob celebs like Paris Hilton and Lindsey Lohan. She’s so hot, Emma Watson actually played her in the movie, The Bling Ring.

The Hottie Who Doesn’t Understand Nevada

We just feel sorry for this young woman from Nevada. She was arrested in Las Vegas for prostitution. While that’s totally legal in rural areas of Nevada, it’s still not legal in Vegas. We understand her confusion, but the cops still hauled her in.