Woman Shoots Her Ex-Boyfriend For Leaving Her

Woman Shoots Her Ex-Boyfriend For Leaving Her

A lot of people across the world have some sort of jealous ex-girlfriend story, but this one certainly takes the cake as the most tragic. Ryan Poston was just 29-years-old, and a great lawyer to boot, as he ran a personal injury firm. Poston was dating Shayna Hubers, a 21-year-old university graduate. His life seemed to be going in the correct direction for the most part.

Unfortunately, Ryan made the difficult decision to break things off with Shayna, as he had fallen out of love with her and was just beginning to date former Miss Ohio, Audrey Bolte. Things were beginning to go even better.

Shayne then found out about the entire thing, and she wasn’t too happy. The young woman didn’t take the news well, and instead picked up her gun and shot her ex-boyfriend six times. The final round went through his nostril. She said: “He’s very vain. One of the last conversations we had that was good was that he wants to get a nose job. I shot him right here. I gave him the nose job he wanted…”

Shayna has been sentenced to 40-years in prison, and was condemned for showing no remorse over the shooting. She later told her cell mate while awaiting trial that she laughed while shooting Ryan.