Thousands Evacuated After Chilean Volcano Erupts


After lying dormant for almost 50 years, the Calbuco volcano in Southern Chile has erupted for the second time in a day. The first eruption happened on Wednesday, April 22nd and sent a massive plume of smoke and ash several miles into the sky. In excess of 5,000 people have been evacuated from the sparsely populated area of Calbuco, which is about 1,000 km south Santiago, Chile’s capital. A tourist town of Puerto Varas is also being evacuated.

Following the first eruption, Chile’s Interior Minister Rodrigo Penailillo declared a state of emergency, and has since assigned a curfew to the surrounding areas. Flights throughout Chile and Argentina have also been suspended in lieu of the damage and smoke.

Penailillo addressed the nation in a televised address, asking Chilean’s to remain calm, and that the military was being sent into the province to help evacuate people and keep order.