The Mysterious Bridge That Causes Dogs to Commit Suicide

The Mysterious Bridge That Causes Dogs to Commit Suicide

There are plenty of mysteries in the world, and one of them happens to be a bridge in Scotland that for some reasons causes dogs to leap to their death. Overtoun Bridge is situated on the Overtoun House in Dumbarton, Scotland, and has been around for more than 150 years.

In the past 70 years, however, dogs have been leaping off the edge of the bridge and plummeting 50 feet into a bed of rocks. Since the 1950’s fifty dogs have jumped off the cliff to their death, and it’s rumored that more than 600 other dogs have taken the leap but survived – albeit with severe injuries. No one can figure out why the dogs are jumping, but what’s even scarier is that the dogs all jump from the same place; between the final parapets on the right-hand side of the bridge.

There are a lot of theories as to why the dogs jump, including hauntings form the late Lady Overtoun and her husband. Some also believe that spot on the bridge is a thin place, which is a Celtic term for a place where the gap between this world and the next is thinner than usual.

Paul Owens has written a book on this mystery, The Baron of Rainbow Bridge, and said “It’s a very strange place. One of the things peculiar to the location is that it can seem very peaceful and tranquil, but it can turn at a moment’s notice. You can experience great joy, but at the flick of a switch you are filled with horror and terror, I’ve felt it and I’ve seen it happen.

Canine psychologist Dr. David Sands has a more reasonable explanation for the mystery after investigating. He believes that the dogs undergo sensory deprivation due to the thickness and height of the walls on the bridge, essentially meaning that the dogs cannot see over the bridge, and due to the thickness of the walls they can’t hear anything either. This results in their sense of smell going into overdrive, and the presence of mink in the area causes the dogs’ natural instinct to chase them – causing them to jump off the bridge.