Sexy Gorilla Popular With Women At Japan Zoo

Sexy Gorilla Popular With Women At Japan Zoo

Recent reports are stating that women are rushing to see a sexy Silverback gorilla Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens in Nagoya, located three hours outside Tokyo. The 18-year-old gorilla, named Shabani, is attracting many with his rippled muscles and intense stares. He has been anthropomorphically described as having human like features and facial gestures, with news reporters and social media goers calling him a “hunk.”

Shabani has been at this same zoo since 2007, but his new celebrity status may have something to do with the fact that earlier this year he was chosen to be the campaign model for the spring festival put on by the zoo. The gorilla even appears to actually pose for people’s photos. He’s also pretty popular for his fatherly skills, and he is the leader of the group of gorillas harbored at the zoo.

Having a hunky gorilla has definitely put this Japanese zoo on the map.