Man Gets Paid To Have Sex With Prostitutes

Man Gets Paid To Have Sex With Prostitutes

A 60-year-old divorced man gets paid to have sex with call girls. John is one of many licensed private investigators who are being recruited in Australia as brothel busters. He poses as a regular customer to uncover illegal sex work. John said that his job is essential because authorities need a court order to access premises. So authorities have no choice but to pay private investigators to go undercover and report back with proof. John said that his reports can run for up to three pages and include people, places, dates and times.

Lachlan Jarvis, managing director of private investigation firm Lyonswood, is responsible for recruiting undercover sex investigators. Jarvis said that they select people who are single and ready to take up sexual activity. John finds his job quite enjoyable and considers himself lucky to have such a flexible and relaxed job. However, he does not broadcast what he does for a job. John said that it’s not a typical Monday-to-Friday job and there are no time constraints. He has never felt threatened about his safety.