LOLWOT TV Episode 11: 10 Of The Wackiest Political Parties In The World


All around the world there are political parties adjourning in quiet rooms with round tables to pass laws for their respective countries. However, some of these political parties are a little bit odd. A political party in Denmark promised Nutella for their soldiers, one party was founded by the Wizard of New Zealand, and then there’s the Irish party, which just doesn’t care about their country at all.

Personally, we could get behind some of McGillicuddy Serious Party’s policies, which include replacing currency with chocolate. While most of us would become poor from eating our money, at least we’d always have a tasty snack on hand. Some of these political party’s promises or policies are a little radical, such as using beer for national defense, while others are will make you want to pack your bags and move to their country.

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