Are You Ready For Healthy Bacon Flavored Foods?

Are You Ready For Healthy Bacon Flavored Foods?

Bacon flavored foods are all the rage, from bacon alfredo sauce to bacon spaghetti sauce and far beyond. You can find bacon gum and even bacon breath mints. Bacon is probably one of the most unhealthy meats on the menu, but people absolutely love it.

Now you can love it more because scientists have discovered a type of red algae, dulse (Palmaria palmata), that actually tastes like bacon. Whether you are a fan of seaweed or not, you just may start finding dulse flavored items on the shelves of your favorite stores soon.

So far the crafty foodie scientists have made salad dressing and crackers that are bacon-flavored. Seaweed itself is a great health food that is full of nutrients that are good for you, so this discovery could be a great way to get more people eating healthy algae without even knowing it!

Dulse is a new superfood that just might gain a lot of popularity once more people start trying it. Since bacon makes everything better, dulse can make everything better AND healthier.