Scientists Are Asking People Not To Nuke Mars

Scientists Are Asking People Not To Nuke Mars

A proposal by billionaire Elon Musk has asked to make Mars habitable by dropping nuclear weapons on the inhospitable planet.

Just hours after Tesla and SpaceX CEO and Elon Musk spoke on “The Late Show” told everyone that nuking Mars to make it Earth-like could be a good idea, climate scientists and numerous geophysicists gave their opinion on the matter, saying not to do so.

Michael Mann, professor and director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State University, said: “There are so many things that could go wrong here it is difficult to know where to start.”

Nuclear weapons, obviously, have a downside. The explosion could potentially backfire and cause a nuclear winter, where so much dust and particles are created that they blot out the sun, cooling the planet to a point where it remains inhospitable, according to Mann. So, in conclusion, nuking a planet to death probably isn’t the best of ideas.