New Star Wars Movie Takes Heat For Island Intrusion

New Star Wars Movie Takes Heat For Island Intrusion

Even though the next big Star Wars movie is still months away, the ripple effect is already in motion. At this stage, even the most casual fan knows what’s coming — up to and including a full trilogy to play out over the next few years. But as it so happens, those films might be on the way with a steep cost; concerns have arisen over Star Wars’ impact on the environment.

The seventh episode in the franchise filmed some of its scenes on Skellig Michael, an Irish island largely untouched by man — and the idea is to have a return trip for the filming of the next movie. With a major studio involved, Ireland and its film industry are set to see some big gains; the problem is that there are concerns over what the movie’s crew might do to the island, however unintentional. Skellig Michael plays host to several bird species, and their lives and habits — breeding well among them — might be at risk if there’s even the slightest disturbance. There’s a fair chance, then, that a crew flying in and out could do irreversible damage.

At the very least, some safeguards will be set in place. The film crew is only going to stay there for a few weeks, while an ecologist and workers from the National Parks and Wildlife Service will act as supervisors. Naturally, the idea is to create the best movies possible and let Ireland reap the benefits from tourism and exposure; one can only hope that those don’t come at a high price.