Marijuana Pills Are Now Available To Be Purchased Online

Marijuana Pills Are Now Available To Be Purchased Online

There has been a lot of talk about cannabinoids (or CBD) recently, with even the US government taking part in the discussion and releasing a report on their official cancer advice website stating that “cannabinoids may be useful in treating the side effects of cancer and cancer treatment”. Cannabinoids can cause “cell death, blocking cell growth and blocking the development of blood vessels needed by tumours to grow“. The report also details other possible effects of CBD, including anti-inflammatory benefits, antiviral activity and relieving muscle spasms caused by multiple sclerosis.

Europe has now made pills that contain CBD available; CBD are the non-psychoactive ingredients in the cannabis plant. The pills can be bought online for €89 for 30 tablets, which works at around €3 (£2.19) per tablet. The pills are being produced by an Australian company called MMJ PhytoTech.