20 Confusing Fails That Leave You Asking How And Why

Funny, Lists, Other, Shocking, Weird

We’ve all seen our share of epic fails online. We’ve even inadvertently taken part in creating some timeless fail photos. Some kind of way they manage to make their way to social media profiles and history is made. Some are painful, some of scary, some are funny and some make us just want to cry hysterically. We’ve come up with a great pairing of epic fail photos for you. This compilation of 20 ridiculous photos make you wonder how in the heck was this possible while simultaneously making you wonder why would people be this dumb.

Go Out And Lay

I really think these people don’t like kids.

Turn Left At The Sign. Maybe.

So when you get to the crooked tree, you turn left at the sign…….at your own risk.

New skill

If you want to get better. You’d better learn how to use that other hole right away.

U – Haul. I – Hold

These people have taken the term U-haul to a whole different level of ridiculousness. Well…maybe they live right down the street.


Maybe we can learn from the great MJ on how to make this happen.


Well there seems to be something blocking the railroad track. I can’t quite make out what it is.

Wish I Had Dipping Sauce

Omg this traffic! I need to eat something. Oh wait. Hold on let me just get a bit of this phone. Aaahhh that’s good. Okay now what were you saying?

Can I Use The Phone?

Hey, can I stand on your head? I need to make a call.

I Wonder What’s In There

Well no. I’ve never actually seen what’s in there. Maybe, but I don’t know.

I Need A Parking Spot

My head hurts now. I’m not really sure where I parked or if I’ll have a car once I leave the office.

I Can’t Get In.

Can you just come out of the exit and get me? I really don’t know where the entrance is.

100% Prime

Two all beef patties, chicken, sauce, lettuce, cheese on a sesame…..wait…..what?

That’s It, Real Slow.

Oooh there’s nothing like that accidental porn.

Multi-Purpose Door

Here you go, instant air conditioning, ventilation, doggie door and view finder. Problem solved!

Delicious Memories

Shall we bow and remembers those that made our mornings great.

Stuck Up

Uuuuuhhhh. I have no words for this idiot.

No Smoking

Man I haven’t smoked some alcohol in years. Good times.

No Lift Here

Let’s walk all the way to the other end of the mall so we can get all this stuff up the escalator. That would save a ton of time.

Swimming Tip

Once you get to the bottom, you take a deep breath before swimming all the way back to the top.

Handy Dandy

No ma’am. This is the latest in home fashion. You can even buy 3 different colors.