10 Awesome Lifehacks For Dog Owners

Animals, Lists, Shocking

Dogs are man’s best friend. They are easily the most popular pet in the entire world, as they have been domesticated long enough to remain faithful, loyal, hard-working companions to human beings. However, sometimes dogs are a tad bit goofy and really need a bit of structure in their lives, otherwise they simply go crazy and turn the entire house into a mess. As your dog gets more comfortable – especially on a long car ride – you will notice they are better behaved and less likely to urinate or destroy things. Of course, how you do this will probably shock you a bit, as most people don’t know these simply lifehacks. Here are ten shocking lifehacks you dog owners should realize.


If your dog suffers from allergies, put old socks on each of their paws to prevent them from licking each of them raw. You can tape them using a very specific vet wrap that won’t hurt. The best types of socks are those with grips for slippery floors.


Use an old pillowcase or two in order to cover a dog bed or mat, that way when they get dirty you can simply slip them off and wash them with ease.

Puppy Pills

Puppies are incredibly stubborn, which means getting them to consume a pill can be difficult. Pill pockets are available at the local pet store. They hide the pill inside a nice treat.

Shower Caps

While bathing your puppy, prevent soap and water from getting inside of their eyes and ears by wrapping a shower cap over their head carefully and safely.

Do Not Feed

Be sure to create a “do not feed” list for your puppy to ensure you, or anyone else, does not feed them unwanted, toxic items.


Take some time and learn dog CPR – as it is a very specific style when compared to CPR for humans – to save your dog’s life when they are choking on unwanted food.

Tennis Bowl

If your dog consumes a lot of food quickly, throw a tennis ball into their food bowl beforehand. This encourages your dog to eat slower because of having to move the ball out of the way often.

Classical Music

Dogs are actually calmed by the sound of classical music. Studies have shown they will relax and settle down with the sounds of such notes.

Body Language

Spend enough time with your companion to learn their body language. Dogs cannot talk, obviously, so you need to read their needs and communicate with them effectively.

Watered Food

If you have an old dog who has a difficult time chewing hard food, add in some warm water or chicken broth to the dry food to soften it up.