Batman V Superman Makes Its Online Debut

Batman V Superman Makes Its Online Debut

Batman V Superman fans no longer need to wait for a sneak peak at the major blockbuster which hits theatres March 25th, 2016. The first trailer for the follow up to 2013’s Man of Steel, was leaked with Portuguese subtitles on Thursday April 16th, 2015, however, it was officially released via Twitter by the film’s director Zack Snyder on Friday, April 17th. The internet blew up as millions of fans weighed in with their opinions of the sequel, which will feature Henry Cavill’s Superman going toe to toe with Batman – played by Ben Affleck.

The trailer was originally set to be released on Monday, April 20th, at IMAX theatres where special events were being held for fans to view the trailer. However, following the leak on Thursday, Snyder and the Warner Brothers studio no doubt decided that it was best to release the trailer early and steal the pirated version’s thunder.

Reactions to the trailer have been mixed, partially because of its still gritty tone and partially because fans still don’t know just why the two heroes are fighting in the first place. We’ll just have to wait until next year’s release to find out.